Wednesday, March 21, 2007

photo experiment

lucky in the hallway

liam riding his new bike
liam with his mouth full of food at chuck e. cheeses

my desk. since it's going in the trash when we move i never bothered to put the finishing touch's on it.

liam in the mushroom chair

liam taking a bubble bath

liams prefered mode of slumber


Blogger Mel said...

I like the pic. of mushroom chair, so cute.

I dont really like the pic. of Liam in the bubble bath. His eye's are creepy looking. Well other than that its a great pic.

Liam sleeping is cute too.

22 March, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so that's lucky huh? Are you sure it isn't a photo-negative of a pygmy goat with a green, rope collar? What makes him so lucky anyways?

And whats up with the 256ouncer super tanker soda from Chuck McCheeze? It looks bigger than Liam?! Oh wait, it's probably the perspective huh?

Ya, I prefer to sleep in my under-roos just after a hard play-time session with my yellow bus, and then passing out on my pygmy goat too.


22 March, 2007  
Blogger jungle jim said...

it's a her and sheena named her so i'm not sure where the name came from

thats actually my soda and it was huge. somehow some one mistook my order of a large soda for an order for a lake of soda.

the monkey mess's with the poor dog so much i'm surprised she hasn't once snapped at him. she's one hell of a patient dog.

23 March, 2007  
Blogger Me said...

patience is a virture no quesiton. It looks painful too.

26 March, 2007  
Blogger jungle jim said...

it was a lot worse for poor bobo, he was like a quarter of the size of lucky and he probably had to put up with more of it.

26 March, 2007  
Blogger Me said...

can we get some memorial photos of poor old bobo?

I miss him. Can you tell us a bedtime bobo story uncle Will?

26 March, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heheh, keep talking there buddy.just remember i got the kid and you are going to be refered to as uncle kirk for the rest of your life.

27 March, 2007  
Blogger Me said...

oh crap. I really did forget how Bobo passed on. I was just trying to be funny, did I insult your entire family? Will I be haunted forever by the ghost of Bobo past, and the Lucky of the future?

Btw, whats your eta? I got shirts fer ya.

28 March, 2007  
Blogger Mel said...

lol :D

30 March, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea, i got a shirt for you to. been holding it for almost a year now. sheena should be finishing up the physicals next week then she turns it in and we wait. could be 2 months, could be six.usually about 2 tho. depends on how fast the board reviews her stuff. once they do it'll be about 2-3 weeks for clearing and we off to oregon.

30 March, 2007  
Blogger Mel said...

Dude! your a lazy bum!!! i see no new Liam pic.s!!! its april 13th!!! 19 days a no new cute Liam pic.s! how will i live!!! T-T

13 April, 2007  

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